Friday, September 28, 2012

Helpful Tidbits About Dealing With Asthma And Breathing Better


Helpful Tidbits About Dealing With Asthma And Breathing Better

If you are unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of the different types of asthma, the onset of an asthma attack in yourself or someone you know, can be a very frightening experience. Fortunately, the information found in this selection of asthma tips and tricks, can prepare you by providing insight into this respiratory condition.

By using a peak flow meter to measure the strength of your breaths, you can sometimes recognize an asthma attack coming on long before you actually feel the symptoms. That's why it's good to have a peak flow meter and use it frequently throughout the day. Be sure to establish your normal reading at an optimum time so you will have a point of comparison.

Let's face it, you do not want your asthma to keep you indoors. However, exercising indoors from time to time instead of outdoors can be very beneficial. Many allergens and air pollutants can aggravate your asthma when exercising outdoors, so make sure to mix it up and give your body a break by exercising indoors.

Avoid being around smoke and fumes. Smoke, including cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust, contain small particles of dust and chemicals, which can irritate the bronchial linings. This irritation is dangerous for asthmatics, as it can interfere with breathing in an already compromised system. Breathing in cigarette smoke especially can trigger an asthma attack.

Know your asthma medications in depth so that you can more efficiently manage your illness. Chances are, if you're on medication for asthma, you have multiple medications to take. If you have multiple inhalers, be aware of which is for everyday use, and which is for when you're having a serious asthma attack. If you're taking oral steroids, make sure you're following the prescribed directions and not taking too much.

Because a significant amount of the day is spent sleeping, you want to make sure that your bed and linens are kept clean. Dust and skin particles can quickly accumulate over time and complicate your asthma condition. You should try to wash your linens with hot water at least once a week. And just to be safe, keep your respirator and phone close by when you go to sleep.

You should stay home as much as possible when it is humid outside or when there is a lot of pollen in the air. Humidity and pollen will make it hard for you to breathe. If you must go outside, you can wear a mask over your nose and mouth.

To prevent sudden attacks work to learn your triggers. After you have an attack, make a note about the environment you were in. In time you should begin to see patterns and be prepared for environmental factors that may cause issues for you. This will help limit the effect your asthma has on your day to day life.

Make sure to schedule regular asthma check-ups. This is very important because you and your doctor need to know immediately if your condition is worsening. Even if you are managing your asthma fine and don't have attacks often, it is important to check in with your family doctor and make sure everything is well.

With asthma, it is extremely important that you take time to meet with a doctor in order to help you not only get the proper medication but also plan out an appropriate plan to manage your condition. This is important because self help will get you only so far before you need the help of an expert.

A handy hint to limit Asthma is to wash bed linen in hot water at least once a week. This will remove all dust mites and allergens which may have settled on the linen, which are, otherwise, capable of triggering an Asthma attack. Then, especially, for those of you will young children, may sure the mattress is regularly treated and cleaned to remove additional spores and bugs.

If you have asthma, you should be cautious when starting exercise or workout programs. In the worst case scenario, the increased respiratory activity from exercise will induce an asthma attack. Whenever you involve yourself in a new exercise program, even if it is something as simple as jogging, you should take it slowly and be certain that at every step of the way, you are not doing something that your body cannot handle.

Take a friend or member of your family with you when you visit your doctor. Often, you are discussing so much information with your doctor that it can be difficult to keep track of all the data. Having someone with you gives you another set of ears to listen to the information and think of relevant questions. As a side benefit, having someone with you hear what the doctor says can help you engage your support network in your efforts to manage your asthma.

Now that you have used these tips and hints to learn more about asthma, you will be better prepared if you or a loved one begins to experience the signs and symptoms of asthma. Combined with the care and advice of a licensed medical practitioner, you can be well on your way to beating asthma.



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