Friday, September 28, 2012

Suffering With Asthma? Not Anymore With These Excellent Tips!


Suffering With Asthma? Not Anymore With These Excellent Tips!

Having an asthma attack can feel like a death sentence. No matter how much you try, you just cannot pull enough oxygen into your lungs, to be okay and breathe. You feel as if you are going to burst if you don't get some oxygen in your body. Asthmatics work long and hard to avoid ever having this feeling. Read on for tips to keep your asthma attack at bay.

Avoid cigarette smoke when you have asthma. Tobacco smoke is very hard on your health. Inhaling smoke when you have asthma can quickly cause you to have complications. Many people who suffer from asthma, are also allergic to smoke. If people are smoking around you, you should leave the area.

Avoid being in contact with pets. Pets carry a lot of dust and other impurities on them. If you have a pet, wash it every week, and try keeping its hairs as short as possible. If you are going to be in contact with an animal, perhaps you should wear a mask.

Quit smoking! Smoking is a serious agitator to asthma. Cigarette smoke has hundreds of chemicals that are agitators to breathing and lung function. Oddly enough, smoking, at first, also can act as a stimulant and help an asthmatic, but the reaction is only temporary. If you want healthy lung function, you need to quit smoking.

Be aware of how your diet affects your asthma. Often specific foods like peanut butter contain allergens for anyone suffering from asthma. If you have certain food-based triggers, manage your diet to avoid those ingredients and lessen your asthma symptoms and attacks. If you try a new food, monitor your symptoms to ensure it does not cause increased asthma problems.

For help with asthma, maintain the humidity in your home. A great treatment for asthma is a clean, dry environment. Using a dehumidifier will reduce the amount of seasonal triggers that are present in your house.

Keep an asthma diary to help you identify substances that trigger attacks or worsen symptoms. In this diary, keep track of foods and activities to help you pinpoint those items that cause asthma attacks. Your asthma diary is also beneficial when working with your doctor on your long-term management plan.

Exercise is one of the most important things that you can do if you have asthma. Go to the gym at least three times per week and give your muscles a workout. This will allow your body the time to adjust and build its capacity to reduce your asthma symptoms.

Exercise moderately when you have asthma. Very strenuous exercise and the increased rate of breathing required can cause problems and trigger an asthma attack. Control your breathing by taking up light to moderate exercise. Yoga is especially helpful in this regard. Swimming may also help with breath control while providing good exercise.

Even if you do not have an allergy to animals, try to limit your contact with them. If you spend time around them you may suffer from an attack. This is because of the dander, dust and dirt that is being carried in the animal's fur. You will feel much better if you avoid contact.

Pay attention to local "ozone alerts" on your news and weather reports. Ozone alert days generally occur during periods of high heat which can already be a problem for some asthmatics. The ozone in the air irritates the airways and can trigger an attack. Limit your time outdoors on these days and carry your inhaler at all times.

One surprising helpful tip for the asthma sufferer is to get cold and fresh air when they sense an attack coming or are experiencing an attack. The cold air helps reduce the inflammation of the airways and allows for freer breathing. As such, next time you are having trouble breathing step outside in the cool air.

Household items that can contribute to asthma come in many different and seemingly innocent forms. For example, perfumes and air fresheners can work as irritants that escalate asthma problems. In general, you should watch out for anything that gives off a scent regardless of how pleasant the scent is. Try to keep the air in your home fresh by improving air circulation rather than using chemicals to change the smell.

Is it time for a new asthma medication? It is possible you need to try a new medication if you need to use your quick-relief inhaler anymore than twice a week. Also, if you need to refill your inhaler more than twice a year, or you wake up at night with asthma symptoms more than twice a week you also need to look into a change.

The tips you use from this article, will vary based on what triggers your asthma attacks. The important thing is that you take the tips that cover your triggers and start to apply them to your life. Talk to your doctor, in order to get help isolating what your exact triggers are, so you can start working to prevent your next asthma attack.



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